Tumor Tissue and Biospecimen Bank (TTAB) | |
Services of The Tumor Tissue and
Biospecimen Bank (TTAB) are available to all University of Pennsylvania
investigators and to academic researchers from outside institutions. If demand
ever exceeds capacity, priority access is given to members of stakeholder
centers or departments* with research that is IRB approved with peer-reviewed
funding, followed by Abramson Cancer Center members with non-peer reviewed
funding. Should access become a concern, Dr. Anupma Nayak is responsible for
convening a special meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee and/or Organ
Specific Working Groups to review user requests and prioritize them based on
such criteria as overall scientific merit, availability of external funding,
technical feasibility and core resource requirements.
In order for access to services to begin, investigators will need to register with TTAB by filling out an application. Initial consultation is an essential step in quality management to ensure ideal study design, and to predict feasibility. This will also ensure that the facility is an appropriate venue for the proposed research, that the project design incorporates the efficient use of the facility, and that the resources of the facility are used for the greatest scientific benefit. Furthermore, feasibility consultation will also ensure that the resources of the core are being used optimally to meet each investigator's needs and that overall workload of the Core supports current staffing and Core resources. TTAB operates on a fee for service model and all fees reflect the actual expenses of cost recovery in providing services. A 10% discount is available to members of stakeholder centers and departments*. Information about your account, projects, and data is considered confidential. Reports to supporting Penn institutions or the NIH may include statistics regarding your overall facility utilization, but further details will not be released without permission. *Currently includes the following Penn groups: Abramson Cancer Center & The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Faculty. |