

  • Computational Biology and Informatics Lab at U. Penn, creators of PaGE and RAD, housed in the Penn Center for Bioinformatics.
  • Children's National Medical Center hosts a web-based introduction to microarrays and a multimedia lecture series.
  • Steven Johnson's resource for quantitative and real time PCR, including a central repository for primer sets and reaction conditions.
  • Gene-Array discussion list.
  • NCGR and the Computational Genomics Group at the University of California, Irvine, are participating in the GeneX™ Project to provide an Internet-available repository of gene expression data with an integrated toolset that will enable researchers to analyze their data and compare their results with other such data.
  • The MGED group is a grass-roots movement whose goal is to facilitate the adoption of standards for DNA-array experiment annotation and data representation, as well as the introduction of standard experimental controls and data normalization methods. Includes:
    1. Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment. MIAME aims to outline the minimum information required to unambiguously interpret microarray data and to subsequently allow independent verification of this data at a later stage if required.
    2. MAGE, a data exchange format and object model for microarray experiments.
    3. The development of ontologies for microarray experiment description and biological material (biomaterial) annotation in particular, and
    4. The development of recommendations regarding experimental controls and data normalization methods.
    5. Papers, technical reports, talks and software for transcript profiling analysis.
    6. Terry Speed's Microarray Data Analysis Group. A statistician's perspective on microarray analyses.
    7. A number of free software tools for genomics, including MultiExperiment Viewer, ArrayViewer and Spotfinder.
    8. Gene Expression Omnibus. In order to support the public use and dissemination of gene expression data, NCBI has launched the Gene Expression Omnibus. GEO is a gene expression and hybridization array data repository, as well as an online resource for the retrieval of gene expression data from any organism or artificial source.

Literature Search

Penn Biomedical Library
PubMed (Penn Version)

SNP Information Sources

Applied Biosystems
Coriell Cell Repositories
Ensembl Genome Browser
Primer Express
Tm Calculator

Other University of Pennsylvania Facilities

Biomedical Research Core Facilities
Clinical and Health Research Facilities
Molecular Pathology Laboratory

Last Updated on 5/24/04